MSWiM'22 Mirela Notare Award
to be announced at the MSWiM 2022 Conference Banquet Dinner.
The Mirela S. M. A. Notare Award
This Award was established in 2021 for the first time at the 24th ACM SIGSIM MSWiM Conference, in the memory of a beloevd colleague Mirela, an esteemed memeber of the scientific community, who was highly repsected. Prof. Mirela received several awards (National Award for Telecommunication Software, British Libaray, INRIA and Elsevier Science) for her contribution in the area of Intelligent Vehicular Networks, Smart Cities, CyberSecurity, Big Data, 5G, and Fly Transportation. She is one of the Co-founders of the MSWiM conference and the founder of IEEE Latin America Transactions.
The Mirela Award is given every year to a distinguished women researcher (MSWiM conference participant)in recognition of remarkable contribution and excellence in research work in the field of Wireless Communications, Mobile Networking and Mobile Systems.
Past Award Recipients
2021 - Prof. Isabelle Guérin Lassous for her outstanding contributions to network modeling and performance evaluation of wireless networks in general and Wi-Fi and ad-hoc networks in particular .