The RISING STAR Researcher Award

The MSWIM main Conference has initiated the RISING STAR award in 2020 to be given each year to a YOUNG researcher at the early stage of his/her career (within the first 5 years of their academic career) in recognition of his/her exceptional scientific contributions to the field of wireless communication and networking, and mobile systems. The candidate must have a reasonable set of publications accepted MSWiM Conference. The selection committee is composed by the Steering Committee, as well as the MSWiM General and Technical Program Chairs of current year. The award is presented to the winner at the Conference Banquet for that specific year.



Dr. Thomas Begin

for his remarkable contribution to performance evaluation for wireless networks.

Dr. Thomas Begin is Maitre De Conference, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France. He received his HDR (Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches) Diploma in 2018. In his short but outstanding young career, Thomas has been able to design novel wireless networks protocols, while achieving a very good performance trade-off between accuracy and simplicity.


Dr. Pere Tuset-Peiro

for his remarkable contribution to the design. of low-power wireless networks.

Dr. Pere Tuset-Peiro is an Assistant professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain. He received his PhD in Network and Information Technologies from Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) in 2015. In 2014 he received the 2nd Best Demo Award at IEEE INFOCOM conference and the 2nd Best Demo Award at IEEE SENSORS conference in 2017 for his work on low-power wireless networks.



Dr. Rodolfo W. L. Coutinho

for his outstanding contributions to Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks.

Dr. Rodolfo W. L. Coutinho is an Assistant Professor at the Concordia University, Canada. He was formerly a research associate at the University of Ottawa. He received a joint Ph.D. degree in computer science in 2017 from the University of Ottawa, Canada, and the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil. He has received the 2018 Pierre Laberge Prize, for the Best Doctoral Thesis in the Science and Engineering at the University of Ottawa and the 2018 CAPES Award for the Best Thesis in the area of Computer Science in Brazil. He is also the recipient of the 2018 UFMG Best Thesis Award in Exact and Earth Science, and Engineering, the 2018 Best Thesis Award of the Brazilian Computer Society and the 2018 Best Thesis Award of the Brazilian Computer Networks and Distributed Systems Interest Group. He also received the Best Paper Award in IEEE GLOBECOM 2020 and IEEE MASCOTS 2014.