ACM MSWiM 2012


Date: October 21st, 2012

Tutorial title: Services in VANETS: Challenges and Opportunities

Prof. Antonio A. F. Loureiro
Computer Science Department
UFMG, Brazil

Abstract: Currently, automobile makers are very intent upon creating connected cars that allow them to differentiate their vehicles from the competition and offer consumers applications and services, including diagnostic information and entertainment. But car-makers aren't the only ones interested in developing a business model for the connected car. Numerous software makers, platform providers and others are taking a strategic look at this area. On the other hand, consumers may not want to pay for safety and security solutions in their cars, but they do seem willing to pay for entertainment or infotainment solutions. In this tutorial, we discuss some possible services for VANETS, including the challenges and opportunities in deploying them.

Short Bio: JAntonio A.F. Loureiro is a professor in the Computer Science Department of UFMG, Brazil. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of British Columbia, Canada, 1995. Back in 1998, he established the first mobile computing research group in Brazil, namely the Ubiquitous and Wireless Sensor Networks Lab. Besides, he coauthored the book "Introduction to Mobile Computing", in Portuguese), perhaps the first book on mobile computing published in Portuguese. Afterwards, in 2002, he coordinated the SensorNet project (, a Brazilian pioneering project on sensor networks. He has published over 200 papers ( in referred publishing venues and has advised over 50 graduate students. His main research areas include wireless sensor networks, mobile computing, vehicular networks, and distributed systems.